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  3. 09 JAN 2024~ 👹Pe-order start! EHO-MAKI 恵方巻 (Fortune Sushi Roll) at the Chatswood store

09 JAN 2024~ 👹Pe-order start! EHO-MAKI 恵方巻 (Fortune Sushi Roll) at the Chatswood store

EHO-MAKI 恵方巻 – Fortune Sushi Roll –

📣Pre-order YAYOI’s UNAGI EHO-MAKI now, limited to 100 rolls, by pre-order only!

– Pre-order by 31 JAN 2024

– Pick up on Sat. 03 FEB between 11:30am to 6pm at YAYOI Chatswood store (38 Albert Ave.)

– Pre-payment required

– Image is for illustration purposes

👹What’s Eho-Maki?

According to the old lunar calendar of Japan, 3rd of February is the day before the first day of spring, called “Setsubun (節分,literally means “division of seasons”).
To ward off illness and misfortune, on this day Japanese families scatter roasted soy beans inside their homes and out of every window and door.
“Eho-maki (恵方巻, Fortune Sushi rolls)” are thick sushi rolls which are believed to bring good fortune if eaten while facing the year’s “Eho (恵方, good luck direction)” on that day.

Why not order YAYOI’s EHO-MAKI and experience Japanese culture?

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